
How does connections work between objects?

In my case I want to consider the different height of two objects but I can't connect them unless I model them in the same plane.

  • Hi Jan,

    All structural objects that connect geometrically in the model are automatically connected to each other, with a rigid connection by default. These can be edited by adding a connection modelling tool, like point connections, line connections and soon also surface connections. 

    Please see the following article for more information:  How do I connect/disconnect objects 

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  • Thnkx Joakim! 

    Is it possible to do a nonlinear connection as well?

    For example a compression-only connection b/w my structural objects.

  • Yes, it's possible to set individual spring stiffnesses for compression and tension in each direction for both translations and rotations. So, six values in total. You can also set plastic limits. The options and settings for connections are similar to the supports. You can find more info on our wiki here:

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