Programvaran tappar licensen vid viloläge

För att förhindra att Windows från att gå in i viloläge efter en viss period av inaktivitet och du förlorar din licens från serverlicensen och programmet går i demo läge så kan du inaktivera viloläget helt via via Local Group Policy.


Start Local Group Policy Editor. Press WIN+R and write gpedit.msc



This is how the “Local Group Policy Editor” looks like.

Navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Power Management > Sleep Settings


Open Policy called “Allow standby states (S1-S3) when sleeping (plugged in)”. Do later the same settings with “Allow standby states (S1-S3) when sleeping (on battery)”.


Set the policy to “Disabled”.


Here is both sleeping sessions set to disabled. This policy will disable all sleep modes completely.


Sleep in Start Menu disabled.


This is how it looked before the settings were made.

Ram is the author of this solution article.

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